Friday 15 July 2016

'City of My Mind' Percussion

Today was dedicated to editing the percussion I tracked a while ago for my song 'City of My Mind' and bringing everything into Logic.

Different DAWs ultimately serve the same purpose, but the functionality of some makes them, in my opinion, more fit for certain tasks; for this reason some of my projects go through several DAWs before everything comes together in one single project.

For example, this song was arranged and written in Logic 9; the piano and the percussion were recorded and edited in Pro Tools; the ‘strings’ (one violin recorded many times changing microphone positions to recreate the sound of an ensemble) was recorded in Reaper. Everything was then bounced as stems and brought together in a Logic X project to be mixed. The reason behind this was that I find Logic better for working with MIDI and composing, Pro Tools commands faster for editing and Reaper, as a free software, is very handy for recording on other computers or for transferring projects and stems from one computer to another, which is what happened when I recorded the strings.

This is a video from the recording session with Kohi, an amazing percussionist. I had fun recording him and also producing, which is apparent from the video.

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